cbt diary

analyse your thoughts, change your way of thinking and feel better

What is this?

This is a self-therapy tool.

How do I use it?

Try to remember situation which made you feel bad. Now, fill the form. First, summarize the situation in "title" field.

The first part - describe the situation
Then, estimate how bad do you feel ("discomfort level"), and select emotions you feel ("anxious", "angry" etc.). Describe situation in details with "situation" field and write all your negative thoughts in "negative thoughts".

The second part - change the way you are thinking
Find distortions in your thoughts (you can reread what you wrote in "negative thoughts" field to make it simpler). More information about distortions HERE. Then, try to "challenge" how you think by giving positive examples of things that happened, contrarguments to your negative thoughts etc. Try to think in different way, argue with your negative thoughts! More about "challenge" field HERE (not available, work in progress).

The third part - short reflection
Select how do you feel ("discomfort level") after doing the exercise. Did you feel better? If not, don't worry! Just do this exercise on regular basic and you will feel the difference. In "conclusion" field, you can write your reflection about the situation. You can write anything here! I usually write a short summary of "challenge" field.

What is CBT?

This is an exercise based on CBT. CBT stands for cognitive-behavioral therapy. It is a form of therapy. The purpose of this exercise is to try to think about different situations differently. Lot of times, we think very negatively about something, but our thinking is distorted. Maybe the situation was not that bad? This exercise will help you see the world differently. And probably going to make you feel better.

Want to help with the project? Do you have any feedback?

You can send me email with feedback:

or create an issue on github:
github link

What other techniques can I use to feel better?

Mindfulness/meditation is another popular therapy technique. I am using Headspace, but there are lot of free alternatives, like Insight Timer or Breathe (android).